MD Notebook Cotton A5 Square Blank
Ný útgáfa af vinsælu skissubókinni frá MD PAPER - einstaklega pappír með mjúkri áferð og pappír sem er blandaður með 20% bómullarkvoðu. Bókin opnast alveg flöt og hentar vel fyrir blýant, tréliti og penna. Pappírinn er einstakur á litinn, hlýlega hvítur án þess að vera gulleitur eins og bómull!
Margir viðskiptavinir Nakano hafa notað þessi bók með bleki, málningu og vatnsliti en pappírinn bylgjast aðeins við mikla vatnsnotkun - það er sjarmerandi fyrir sig en ekki allra svo gott að hafa í huga!
A soft, airy texture
There’s just something about the sound of a pen nib scratching on paper and the warmth from your hand.
After our special MD PAPER Cotton won hearts with the smooth, soft texture and elegant feel achieved by its formula containing 20% cotton pulp, MD Notebook Cotton has been re-released in two sizes.
The air in the cotton pulp provides a soft surface for your pen or pencil, so that your text and drawings turn out just as you envisioned.
Choose between an A5 or A5 Square notebook.
A5 is an easy-to-carry size that opens out into an A4 spread, providing plenty of space for your ideas and art.
The compact A5 Square notebook is the size of a photobook. Open it up and the long, narrow space will stimulate your imagination. Whether you’re writing, illustrating or making mind maps, this unconventional format lets your ideas run free.
The other thing that sets MD PAPER Cotton apart is the color.
This is not a bold, bright white but a soft, natural hue, reminiscent of the cotton flower itself. It’s subtle yet so irresistible.
With a refined look and soft, natural-looking pages, the ink of your writing and the colors of your art will pop.
Glassine paper
Bookmark string / Label stickers / Thread-stitched book-binding
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